dilluns, 21 de desembre del 2009
dimarts, 15 de desembre del 2009
The guitar group was created when us started to play the classical guitar seriously in 2007. Always I liked the guitar. Before I played the guitar with Guillem, Elvira and Ricard, the teacher, I started with Ricar when i was 7 years old. Then, I was started with Carme, what she is a profesional guitarrist what play in the orchestra guitar of Barcelona. She created the group guitar.
In the group guitar there are lot of people who are different ages, from 8 to 15 years. The oldest are Elvira and I. Two or three times for year, we do a concert for the familiars, every audition we stay very nervious but always the concert was very fine.
divendres, 4 de desembre del 2009
Agahta Christie, Woman of Mystery
dimarts, 1 de desembre del 2009
Usually, in Saturday, we go in Sikim. That it’s a pub what the boss is a son of my father’s friend and is for elderly, but Kim, the boss, let us go.
Before what we go at dance in Sikim, we usually go at dinner in the Bahia de Oro, Dolce Vita, Orange Kiwi or in our house. We arrive at Sikim at 11 or 12 and we sit in the sofas, we drink something and then we dance the rest of the night, sometimes we stayed talking only and sometimes we go in 5sentidos or a pub there.
I love these nights because I stay with my really friends and rest of the week and the high school.
dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2009
It was a very good experience.
The first day we visited the Tower of London and when we were finished to ate we went in the Big Ben. That night we saw the musical We Will Rock You. We were very tired and some people was fell asleep.
The second day we visited Picadilly Circus and then the change of guard. Then we were ate in a restauran and we went in the Natural History museum and I liked very much. Then we went in Harrods.
The last day we were went in the Candem market. We ate in the Oxford street and then we went in the British museum. Finally we went in the Hyde park and we have many pictures.
These days we move to london by underground, I was surprised by the underground!
It was an inovidable travel.

photo link
When I was little I really loved Grease. The majority of little children love films how Bambi, 101 dalmatas, Cinderella... but I was different, I liked Grease.
The film Grease gave me a friend of my mother, Gloria. And when I was three years old I began to see it. I remamber that I knew all the talks. I had with the video but when I was six year the film was lost and I was very sad. Two year ago, the tio brought me the movie with DVD.
dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2009
I was started with rowing this June. Since the first day I love so much this sport. I start because my cousin Jordi Pujadas it’s the president of the club and he say: “why not try rowing?, like it!” and me and my friends noted.
The first training was hard but with the time we were accustomed, we were trained Wednesday and Friday. We were worked on technical and then we start with the force. We do our first rowing race in Lloret de Mar, we were sixth, the second race went the same, we were sixth another time. The Championship of Catalonia was different because there are more people, but also we were sixth. The final regatta what we do this year was the best race we were the first.
Now we only training on Saturday but this is the way to not lose the rhythm in the winter.
dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009
Etiquetes de comentaris: 1term, 4ESO, personal experience, task
dimarts, 17 de novembre del 2009
We go in my grandma's house, there were my four brother cousins: Laura, Júlia, Gemma and Oriol, my second's cousins: Ona, Marina, Pol, Xavier, Gaspar, Marieta, Júlia and Enric and they fathers and mothers. At 8 pm o'clock we go in the kitchen and own uncles (Gemma and Oriol's father & Marina and Gaspar's father) do what we sing a Christamas songs, it's really very funny! And my aunt, the sister of my grandma, record us when sing an say poem. The people what do ESO every year say the same poem, what are invented for Oriol, Xavier, Júlia and me. Then, we go in the living room and: SURPRISE! There are a lot of presents below of the tio, this acction is repeated 4 o 5 times and finally, our grandparents give us a lot fo lollipops a lot of money and sugar carbon!
dilluns, 16 de novembre del 2009
dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009
The Berlin wall was built because it was a barrier by the German Democratic Republic and East Germany
4. What do we celebrate on the 9th November 2009?
In the past, in the berlin wall(West) it was a very poor zone and now it's the same the West and East. Now, only have a small part of the wall.
We think with the wall what seperate Ceuta and Melilla with the rest of Marroc. link
Other imaginarium wall is for example the diferances of men and women.
Etiquetes de comentaris: 1term, 4ESO, task, the berlin wall
dijous, 5 de novembre del 2009
diumenge, 18 d’octubre del 2009
English, for me, it’s a very important subject, because English it’s a official language in the world. I need English because it is vital for any job. I went to an English school from five to twelve years old. Possibly next summer I go to London or the United States to live a month.
After 4th ESO I do years 12-13 scientist and then try to do a degree in medicine. I would study my degree in Madrid, this means that during the years 12-13 I will have study hard!
It takes a crane to build a crane/Es necessita una grua per construir una grua
It takes two floors to make a story/Es tarda dos plantes per fer una historia
It takes an egg to make a hen/Es necessita un ou per fer una gallina
It takes a hen to make an egg/Es necessita una gallina per fer un ou
There is no end to what I'm saying/No hi ha final al que estic diguen
It takes a thought to make a word/Es necessita una idea per fer una paraula
And it takes a word to make an action/I tenir una paraula per fer una acció
It takes some work to make it work/S’ha de tenir feina per que funcioni
It takes some good to make it hurt/S’ha de fer un fon fer al que fa mal
It takes some bad for satisfaction/S’ha de tenir un per de satisfacció
La la la la la la la life is wonderful/La la la la la la la la vida és meravellosa
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle/Ah la la la la la la la vida és el cercle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful/Ah la la la la la la la vida es meravellosa
Al la la la la/Ah la la la la
It takes a night to make it dawn/Es necessita una nit per que surti el sol
And it takes a day to you yawn brother/I es necessita un dia perqué el teu germà badalli
It takes some old to make you young/Pren algunes de les velles perqué es facin joves
It takes some cold to know the sun/S’ha de tenir fret per coneixre el sol
It takes the one to have the other/Pren-ne una de les altres
It takes no time to fall in love/No te temps per caure en l’amor
But it takes you years to know what love is/Tot i això li queden anys per saber el que és l’amor
It takes some fears to make you trust/Pren alguns temors que a la confiança
It takes those tears to make it rust/Les llagrimes que es necessiten per que roya
It takes some dust to make it polished/S’ha de tenir pols polida per que sigui
Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful/Ha la la la la la la la vida és meravellosa
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle/Ah la la la la la la la vida és una volta completa
Ah la la la la la la life is so full of/Ah, la la la la la la la vida està tan plena de
Ah la la la la la la life is so rough/Ah la la la la la la la vida és tan dura
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful/Ah la la la la la la la vida és meravellosa
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle/Ah la la la la la la la vida és una volta completa
Ah la la la la la la life is our love/Ah la la la la la la la vida és l'amor
Ah la la la la la/Ah la la la la la
It takes some silence to make sound/S’ha de tenir un silenci per el soroll
It takes a loss before you found it/Es necessita una perdua abans que ho hagi trobat
It takes a road to go nowhere/Pren un camí per no anar enlloc
It takes a toll to know you care/Es necessita una linea telefonica per coneixre la teva cura
It takes a hole to make a mountain/Porta un forat per fer una montanya
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful/Ah la la la la la la la vida és meravellosa
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle/Ah la la la la la la la vida és una volta completa
Ah la la la la la la life is oh love/Ah la la la la la la la vida és l'amor oh
Ah la la la la la la love is all sorts of/Ah la la la la la la l'amor és tot tipus de
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful/Ah la la la la la la la vida és meravellosa
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle/Ah la la la la la la la vida és una volta completa
Ah la la la la la la life is holla holla/Ah la la la la la la la vida és Holla Holla
Ah la la la la la la next up bushwalla-walla/Ah la la la la la la següent fins bushwalla-Walla
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful/Ah la la la la la la la vida és meravellosa
Ah la la la la la/Ah la la la la la
Jason Mraz-Life is Wonderful
dilluns, 5 d’octubre del 2009
I look a clown fish because I really love the sea and to drivel!
photo link